Experiences: The Future of Loyalty and Rewards

Let’s face it: life is moving faster and faster. Juggling our schedules is becoming ever more difficult and it’s really tough to disconnect from it all to spend quality time with friends and family. Your customers are likely feeling the same time-crunch which is why it’s more important, now than ever, to reward them with unique experiences that will create memories that will last a life-time.

Don’t get us wrong- people still love to be rewarded with discounts and free items, but based on what we’ve observed, customers are also finding a ton of value in unique, memorable experiences that they can share with family and friends. 

SaveAround Corporate Solutions recognizes the important shift in this consumer behavior which is why we’ve partnered with some of the nation’s largest brands to curate custom, high-value, experiences.

Here’s a small snapshot of some of the special experiences that we’ve coordinated for our clients:

  1. Bon Appétit - Members were able to earn a private dining experience with a world-renowned chef. They were seated at the chef’s table, only feet away from the kitchen and were able to observe how their meal was prepared. The chef himself checked in regularly to ensure that the meals were cooked to perfection.

  2. Perk Up!  - Members had the unique opportunity to explore a local coffee roasting facility. They learned how the beans were freshly sourced, roasted and ground. At the end of the tour each member had the opportunity to roast, grind and package their own bag of coffee to take home with them.

  3. A “Sweet” Time - Ever wonder how your favorite baked goods are created? We set up an exclusive experience where participants were invited into the kitchen of a popular pastry chef who showed them the delicate process of creating her delicious baked goods. After the tutorial, each member was able to create their own culinary concoction. It was a “sweet” experience for everyone involved!

  4. Shop Til You Drop - Members were invited to a top fashion retailer. They were treated to a private tour of the facility by the founder and everyone received a 25% percent discount.

These are just a few of the memorable experiences that SaveAround Corporate Solutions can develop for your brand as a unique incentive for your customers!